08-02-2010, 04:25 PM
New User: cough cough
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Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Looking for diabetic buddies for weight loss, BS, and chats...
I'm sixty and have had type II diabetes for 15 years. May 31st I had a huge goiter, three lumps, and my thyroid removed. I feel I have recovered enough to start on proper diet and exercise program and would like to chat with others about daily BS, weight, etc.
Kind Regards,

08-05-2010, 07:05 AM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: mahone bay, nova scotia
Posts: 11
Hi there, i have been a type 2 diabetic for 5 years now, i found out when i had a seizure at home. I was put on insulin for 2 and a half years. insulin sure does pack on that weight along with having a baby. When my son was born i weighted over 300 pounds something like 315 or 320, at 299 i stopped wanting to know what the weight was....hahaha
I worked hard and lost over 160 pounds in just under 2 years when i went off the insulin, now that i am pregnant again, i am determined to keep my weight down insulin or not...so i will be watching what i eat and my exercise very closely....so i can be you buddy!
Right now i am still on my pills for my diabetes but will switched to insulin probably next week, right now i am around 170 pounds...I put on a few pounds last winter that i just couldn't get off this summer but i was having some back problems and found out i have a spinal disease and osteoarthritis in my lower back, shoulders, hips and feet.
hope to chat soon, tasha

08-05-2010, 12:43 PM
New User: cough cough
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Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
BS Buddy
Hi Tashmama,
Good to meet you!
Although I’m older than you I feel we will have lots in common, I take care of my four year old grandson, so I’m busy with playschool and children’s activities as well.
I’m 225 lbs. today but have been over 230 as well. I would like to weigh 170-180, and be able to get off my insulin if possible. I also have arthritis pretty bad; lower back, hips, and neck, my feet really bother me too, it feels like there are pebbles in my socks even with orthotics.
I have taken celebrex to tylenol, not much really kills the pain so I just take Tylenol. At present I’m taking Synthroid, Losartan Hyzaar for B.Pressure, Lipitor, Metformin 3 per day, Novolin NPH 40 u 1x (cloudy) and Novolin Toronto (40 u 3x per day).
Being pregnant it is going to be hard controlling your weight, so you can only really go on your Blood Sugar readings to stay healthy. When I was in the hospital, my endocrinologist had control of of all my meds and food and he had trouble controlling my Blood Sugar, he ended up putting me on Rapid Novolin just to get somewhat normal readings.
Rapid Novolin is not covered and can be very expensive in my case, so I need eat right and lose these extra pounds.
When I’m keeping track I use an interactive chart I found on the internet, it makes it easy as I work on the computer in the morning and after dinner.
This mornings reading was 11.8 Not good. Time to go for a walk.
Kind Regards,
Weekly Logsheet - Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE

08-05-2010, 07:47 PM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: mahone bay, nova scotia
Posts: 11
Hi there,
Like you I was in the hospital too when they were trying to control my diabetes and couldn't...when i had the seizer my sugars were 33, i remember very little of my first few hours in the hospital, i remember coming around and seeing 3 doctors and 4 nurses, trying to put IV's in, one in each arm...I had been so scared...when i left i was was on the cloudy insulin 2 times a day and the novo-rapid....
now when i had hunter my four year old, by the time he was born, i was taking 6 needles a day, and my shots were 140-170 u, novo-rapid 4 times a day, and was up to 70 u of the cloudy one 2 times a day. It was no wonder i gained over 100 pounds in 9 months, i am not going to let that happen this time, i am a little more educated now....
When i had my son, i had a hernia in my groin develop when i was only 7 weeks pregnant, then during the last months one in my belly button, they were so painful i couldn't walk...so i know thats part of the reason for gaining so much weight, but my groin hernia is back with this pregnancy too....but anyways, lol long winded i am...lol They wouldn't fix my hernia's until i could prove i could control my sugars and lose weight, and they didn't think i could...so i worked really really hard and lost over 20 pounds...it was after my hernia surgery they took me off the insulin and put me on metformin...1000mg twice a day, which i am taking now. Until next week then it's hello to insulin again. Yay.....NOT!! I am really hoping to keep my sugars down and the weight lower....
When i had lost all that weight i found keeping a food diary helped...I learned that corn, alot of fruits (which we think is oh so wonderful for us) drove my sugars up, and then making it harder to lose weight...so now i eat rice, once a month, potatoes once a week, no corn, no apples or oranges, oranges or oj if the sugars are low...I don't eat bread or pasta...what do i eat? Not much...lol For supper tonight i had 1/3 cup of white rice, a boneless chicken breast no skin, done in a skillet with garlic butter, peas, cukes, and water. But my sugars are still suffering, they are 12 right now....and because of it i feel sick to my stomach, you ever get sick to your stomach when your sugars are high?
Well it's been wonderful meeting you and we seem to have a lot in common and i look forward to getting to know you better, and sharing what works and what doesn't work for us...hahah
hope your having a great night, cheers tasha

08-05-2010, 11:38 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Hi Buddy
Hi Tasha,
My BS goes up to the high twenties, especially if I go out for
dinner and forget my meds. I don’t know how I can forget I’m
a diabetic, but I do. From now on I’m not going to leave the
house without my meds and meter!
I’m not sure why, but I agree that insulin makes you gain weight.
As you I have had some surgeries; I had Cryptococcus in my
lung and the lung surgery has left me out of breath and to make
things worse my goiter was wrapped around my windpipe and
it was slowly choking me to death. Now that my thyroid is gone
I have synthroid, but not till the 20th of Aug. do I see my
Endocrinologist, he may be able to help me with my weight loss.
I don’t eat rice, potatoes, corn or fruit, except strawberries and
blueberries, when I’m being conscientious, but it is very difficult.
Sounds like you had a good dinner; I had home stewed tomatoes
with peppers, garlic, onions, and celery. My lunch BS was 6 and
I’m at 8 right now, so I have had a good day. I do get stomach
aches, but I thought it was the Metformin. I know when my
BS is low, as I see black spots and feel dizzy. I always feel good
when my BS is high. Your stomach ache may be caused from
thirst or hunger pangs, try drinking water if it gets too upset.
It is good to have a buddy as my family doesn’t want to hear
about diabetes…they are all very healthy.
My husband just asked me to go to the store for ice cream, I gave
him a bowl of cherries.
Kind Regards,

08-06-2010, 08:41 AM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: mahone bay, nova scotia
Posts: 11
Good morning Gail...Hope you had a good night...I was up fairly late last night worried about my ultrasound today at 2:30....but once i was asleep i was okay....and didnt get up until almost 8 AM. I feel shaky this morning, my sugars a bit high, around a 12. I never feel good if my sugars are high or low...when my sugars are low, i get hot, sweaty, shaky and lose my eye sight, like looking threw a black tunnel or water. I have had my sugars go as low as 1.2 before, that is a horrible feeling...luckily i have never had a high as high as 33 again, actually now that i think about it i haven't been higher than a 24 since i have been told i was diabetic.
My grandmother had diabetes type 2, and like you, no one in my family understands or wants to hear about it....you are the first diabetic that i have ever talked to about it, and we are alot of like, so i am quite happy! Nice to talk to someone who understands and is going threw the same thing. I would have to say that being a diabetic is probably the worst disease that a person could have, food is our poison that makes us sick...most people never have to think if i have this piece of cake it could make me so sick i could die...it's not a nice feeling or thought...i know my mom is old school, everytime i see her she tries to feed me, and gets hurt when i say no...and is always followed by "oh a little piece won't hurt you."
I too have had many operations, not serious ones like you, but i have had 3 c-section, D&C, tubes tied, tubes un-tied, double hernia repair and vein surgery 3 times. My belly is starting to look like a road map with all the scars. Though right now, i am waiting until after the baby is born, to have leg surgery (i have really bad veins in my legs) the ropey kind. I have the spinal disease, and waiting to see a specialist to find out if surgery will be a future options...sick bunch we are...lol
Well i must run, make breakfast hungry this morning....going to have some corn flakes with berries...yummmy..
hey if you have any good ideas for diabetic meals would love to share some, i have some hear that i will post later today...
cheers, have a great day...tasha

08-06-2010, 10:47 AM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Good Morning,
I'm just getting up, I live in B.C.
My BS was 7.4 this morning so I'm pretty happy.
I'm having scrambled eggs, with some left over
stewed tomatoes from dinner. For exercise today
I'll walk the dog, "Duffy" he is our 9 mon. old
Labrador puppy, he is full of piss and vinegar.
Then I'll do house work and prepare for the weekend.
We are going fishing Sat. and we stay out on the ocean
10 - 12 hours depending on the tides. I usually take
sandwiches and cookies and drink ice coffee, but
this time I'll take healthy food and my meds.
Boiled eggs, tuna salad, carrot sticks, iced green tea,
and some nuts and strawberries for snacks.
My grandparents and my parents had diabetes and
they all died in their 60's. They didn't have the
education we have.
Hope all goes well with the ultra sound.
Lets try and stay really healthy all weekend.

08-06-2010, 10:57 AM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Monday Menus
Lets work on some weekly menus on Monday,
I'll have more time to research.
I know there are plenty of recipe books out there
for diabetes, but most of them are full of bread pasta
and pretty photos of food, they just don't work for me.
Talk soon,

08-08-2010, 05:08 AM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: mahone bay, nova scotia
Posts: 11
Hi there, sorry it took me so long to post back, things have been a world wind since friday, hubby's sister and her family are home from ontario, i am in nova scotia, hubby's father had a heart attack a week ago friday had to have surgery....then i had my ultrasound on friday, things are looking good, i am 8 weeks along, and even though i would love to be further along, i am happy i am not, it means that the baby was exposed to less time on my meds.....due in march....and everything looks good so far, but the couldn't see alot, baby is very little...lol
My BS has been pretty good, i think now due to the less stress factor....i think working on meals and menus are a wonderful idea!!
I have tons of diabetic cook books here, i will get to looking....last night i made a new meal but it was made with no yolk noodles, and it didn't drive my sugars up...it was good too...
3 cups of cooked yolk less noodles (uncooked, and then cooked)
1 cup of finely cut up stew meat (no fat)
1 large onion, chopped
2 large cans of low salt, beef gravy.
salt, pepper, garlic flakes, celery salt and cumin
salute beef, onions and spices in a pan sprayed with pam until cooked beef is done. Add cans of gravy and heat, add noodles. when all heated serve with salad.
I am thinking this could be made with hamburger, and chicken breast too, with the chicken use chicken gravy....it was really good, hubby liked it too, and he is fussy...lol
chat soon, tasha

08-08-2010, 12:00 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Hi Tasha,
We didn't get out fishing Sat. as it poured rain all day. Hopefully we will get out this afternoon.
Your recipe sounds yummy, but I don't think I can eat noodles if they are made with flour? Eggs are okay for me. Yesterday I ate three small pancakes with a tablespoon of syrup and my BS spiked to 20! I had to take 50u of insulin and a extra metformin to get the numbers down. I won't do that again.
For breakfast I'm having 4 oz of sole, 3 small carrots, 3 strawberries, decaf coffee with can milk.
For lunch I have packed 2 hard boiled eggs, strawberries, cheese, cole slaw, salsa (homemade) corn chip (no salt) they taste like cardboard but the make good scoops for the salsa. We are going out to run Duffy at the beach and then about 3pm we will try to fishing again, so I'll probably take the same for dinner except I'll add some left over roast beef. I'm taking my meter with me and my needles, so I can keep a tight reign on these BS.
Last night before I went to bed I had BS at 4.5, so I took 30u of cloudy insulin, one metformin, and 1/2 cup of fibre first cereal with milk. Gave me a fairly good morning reading of 6.4. My uncle used to eat a bit of rice before bed he said it gives the body something to work on when you are sleeping. He got this advice from his Dr. in Indiana, USA. Fibre First tastes like cardboard too.
I have been looking everywhere for diet info for people without a thyroid and I can't seem to find anything. I suppose you could follow a diet for low thyroid...
So, the ultra sound went well! I have had many ultra sounds and I must say they were a pleasant experience for me. CAT scans are bit scarry. How many children do you have? I have one daughter and three grandsons. I live on Southern Vancouver Island B.C.
Kind Regards,

08-09-2010, 06:13 AM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: mahone bay, nova scotia
Posts: 11
yummy food
Hi there, how are you feeling after your 20! My BS always goes up with pancakes too, i don't know if it's the pancake or the syrup, and I love pancakes now i can only eat one, but i put low sugar jam on it, or honey or molasses...but i have been looking threw my diabetic cook book and i have found some great stuff for us so i am going to post some at the end here....
I was up yesterday morning way to early 3AM, my back gets so painful in bed with my spine and the arthritis. Yesterday i was sick all day, i ended up laying on the sofa most of day watching movies with my son hunter, while poor leo painted the porch for me, trying to get the house all painted before he goes away for 3 weeks for work...now that september is coming Hunter's home therapy will step up for his autism. They come 3-4 times a week and there is a team of 7...so i like the house to be really neat and clean, and it needed a good paint job, the colors in here were terrible, and it hadn't been painted in 8 years! The landlord got all the paint and we are doing the work....I feel a bit better this morning, but in a lot of pain, and can't take anything for it...
Today leo is going to finish the porch, then we will run some errands he goes back to work tomorrow and works for the next 4 weeks with only 3 days off in those 4 weeks...3 of those weeks he will be gone the whole time working far away from home and stay in a motel with his crew....BLAAA I am going to miss him...
I have 3 children, two are from a previous marriage and are older...ryan is 18 on august 24, and becky is 16 on august 26, hunter is 4 just turned on april 13...i also have 2 step children, mikey 11, and sara 8...then we are due in march with this one, which will be the last...this will be my 4th c-section, and with all my medical troubles, there will be no more....lol
Well it sounds like you have a great day planed...We are going to see some family today too, my mom, his dad and sisters...probably take hunter to the park let him run off some extra energy if it don't rain...
Good luck fishing, what kind of fish do you fish for? i am in martin's river nova scotia which is a small rural community 10 minutes from mahone bay...where the famous 3 churches are....we rent a small 2 bedroom house on the river...our parents live about 20 minutes away closer to chester where they are filming the new show on showcase called Haven...It's been filmed in lunenburg as well...kind of freaky we see police cars driving around all the time saying Haven police...lol
Here are some good recipes for you to try if you like the Ingredients...lol
Pot Chicken
5 OZ boneless, skinless chicken breast
1 small cabbage quartered
1 small package mini carrots
2 large cans of stew tomatoes with spices.
Place all ingredients in a crock pot cover and cook on low 5 hours. one cup serving has 323 cal, 6g fat, protein 47g, fiber 5g
I put this one in the oven too, just bake on 350 for 2 hours or until veggies are done.
Crunchy baked fish
1 pound fish, washed and dried and cut into serving sizes
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tbsp pepper
1 cup corn flakes crushed finely
Place dry fish in shallow bowl in lemon juice and marinate for 15 minutes, drain fish coat with cornflakes and pepper, put on baking dish sprayed with non stick spray. Bake 10 minutes on 475 until fish flakes...
124 cal, 1 g fat, 21 g protein, no fiber, no saturated fat.
Tex Mex Pork chops
4 boneless pork chops or loins
1 cup salsa
1 small bell pepper
1 cup sliced white or yellow onion
Season pork chops to taste ( i use pepper, garlic salt, celery salt and chili powder) in a non stick frying pan, spray non stick spray. brown both sides of pork chops, add salsa, peppers, sliced onion, and lower heat. simmer 30 minutes until meat is fully cooked.
1 pork chop has 200 cal, 7g fat, 26g protein, 2g fiber
I serve this is with rice! yummy
*A huge fave in our house, served with a salad*
1 pound of extra lean hamburger, cooked
1/2 BBQ sauce, i use pasta sauce, pizza sauce or tomtoe soup.
1 can Refrigerator biscuits
2/4 cup grated fat free cheddar cheese
when hamburger is cooked add sauce and set aside, put biscuits in muffin tin sprayed with pam, pressing side up to make a cup, put meat mixture into center of muffin biscuit sprinkle with cheese, bake 400 for 12-15 minutes.
1 cup has
208 cal, 9g fat, 15g protein, no fiber.
I could go all day with these...lol hope you enjoy...let me know what you think of them if you make them...i think i will make the BBQ cups today...lol
cheers and have a good day Tasha

08-09-2010, 01:58 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Good Morning Tasha,
BS this morning is 5.6, perfect for me, but in the night I got a low, 2.5 and
had to eat two glucose tabs. I’m not sure why this happens, I did exactly the
same thing as I did the night before re: fibre first, NPH cloudy insulin, and 1 Metfomin.
I don’t feel sick when my BS is at 20, actually I feel good when my BS is between
10-15, I have been told if I can get normal readings (4-6) that my body will get used
to it but right now 4 makes me shake and I can’t concentrate.
Sorry to hear your back hurts, mine woke me up this morning too. I did read
somewhere that a poor immune system including diabetes can cause more pain in
the back. Apparently the body sees bulging disks sp as something foreign and that
is why it gets inflamed. Have you ever heard this. So, I’m hoping if I get my BS
normal and lose weight my back won’t hurt as much.
Sounds like Leo is a good chap; helping out and all. Being pregnant is a time to
sit back and be spoiled a bit. It will be nice to hear about your updates on your
pregnancy, kind of exciting.
We went fishing for sole and crab, we got four sole and seven Dungeness Crabs.
It was dark by the time we finished cooking the crabs so I just cleaned them and
put them in the fridge; Tony is going to filet the sole today and I’m going to have crab
for breakfast. We were fishing in Cowichan Bay, Vancouver Island, B.C. you can
give it a Google. I’ll go looking for your three famous churches.
You have sent me some great recipes…I’ll be trying the Pot Chicken tonight.
Kind Regards

08-10-2010, 01:36 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 9
Good Morning
Blood sugar a bit higher this morning 7.9, I'm pretty sure I know why...
I had a large raisin bran muffin before bed and it had too much sugar in it!
I'm really going to stick to the diet today as my weight is down a bit and I don't want to gain it back. I'm dropping my Tor insulin down to 30 u instead
of 40 u per shot and I'm going to do step ups and a few weights today.
My neck operation still hurts a bit, but I'm ready for some exercise other than walking. Tomorrow I'm going on a little hike.
I looked up your town and find it is one of the most beautiful places in Canada!
I'm having a big crab salad for breakfast.
Hope everything is good with you.
Kind Regards,

11-04-2010, 07:32 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1
Diabetes Weight Loss Info
Hi there my name is Jared I work for an endocrinologist in Vancouver and I see this thread is interested in weight loss. If you are interested there are some clinical trials going on at Vancouver General Hospital with one of the specific outcomes being weight loss for a few of the new drugs.
Here is the link to the registry site if you want to learn more.

03-02-2011, 06:26 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1
Hi, Gail, you can try pingpong ball. it is good for health.
Last edited by seess; 03-02-2011 at 06:27 PM.
Reason: good

04-14-2011, 02:27 PM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Helena, montana
Posts: 12
Diabetes can be cured
I think it can be cured because my grandfather was suffering form diabetes, he use to do yoga retreats and meditation retreats with help of yoga teacher training and truely speaking it vanished completely and now he is good, there are some facts or say rules that needs to be followed like weight loss, proper diet as per your family doctor, etc.
Yoga Retreats

04-18-2011, 03:58 PM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Helena, montana
Posts: 12
Weight loss
yes I completely agree with ashley it would never harm and would returns greater benefits which would help out a lot.
Yoga Retreats

05-09-2011, 01:06 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2
Does anyone know where I can buy good Diabetic socks?

06-30-2011, 12:26 PM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 3
Hi, I'm not sure if you were aware but there is a diabetes research centre in Winnipeg where you can get special treatment and participate in studies. If you are interested the website address is www.winnipegdiabetesresearchgroup.com and it is based at the Health Sciences Centre.

07-20-2011, 12:10 AM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by ashleybrown
For loosing weigth you can use various types of herbal products. One of the best thing about these products is that they have no side effects.
Agree herbal products are great medicine and most importantly eat some green leafy vegetable.
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