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Old 08-05-2010, 07:05 AM
tashmama tashmama is offline
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: mahone bay, nova scotia
Posts: 11
Default hi

Hi there, i have been a type 2 diabetic for 5 years now, i found out when i had a seizure at home. I was put on insulin for 2 and a half years. insulin sure does pack on that weight along with having a baby. When my son was born i weighted over 300 pounds something like 315 or 320, at 299 i stopped wanting to know what the weight was....hahaha

I worked hard and lost over 160 pounds in just under 2 years when i went off the insulin, now that i am pregnant again, i am determined to keep my weight down insulin or i will be watching what i eat and my exercise very i can be you buddy!

Right now i am still on my pills for my diabetes but will switched to insulin probably next week, right now i am around 170 pounds...I put on a few pounds last winter that i just couldn't get off this summer but i was having some back problems and found out i have a spinal disease and osteoarthritis in my lower back, shoulders, hips and feet.

hope to chat soon, tasha
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