#1 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2012, 11:55 AM
New User: cough cough
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Alberta
Posts: 3
Unhappy Hives

Monday night I noticed I was a little itchy. When I arrived at home I noticed my thighs had a bunch of hives. Soooo itchy, it took forever for me to fall asleep. Itchy the next day (took some antihistamines), and was woken up at 2:30 am Tuesday night from my itchiness.

It's Thursday, the hives haven't gone away despite oatmeal baths and antihistamines. In fact, it has spread to my whole leg, lower abdomen and arms. What's going on? To the best of my knowledge I haven't been exposed to anything I should be reacting to.

Should I go to the doctor now? The itchiness is really getting to me, it's hard to fall asleep and then I am woken up partway through the night because the itchiness gets so severe it wakes me up.
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