Not sure if this really fits here or not, but there doesn't seem to be a forum for just "skin" issues.
A few (3-4 months, maybe more) ago, I had a small red bump form on my chest. It's located in line with my nipple and the top of my armpit, so it is visible sometimes depending what shirt I wear. It doesn't hurt, or really itch or anything. But it is growing. It's gone from a tiny speck to being 1/8" diameter and 1/8" tall (sticking out from my body). It still seems to be growing

I'm attaching a very poor quality picture of it, just so you can see. It's tricky trying to take a picture of it myself
Any idea what it is? How to make it go away?
I did ask the doctor back in September about it, while I was in for a yearly check up (I only have a medicentre, no family doctors seem to be taking patients around here). She pretty much completely brushed it off as some "strawberry" thing where she claims blood collects under the skin, and that it will go away on its own.
I am going to see if I still have access to the dermatologist I saw a bit less than a year ago. Would this be something she could help me with?