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Old 02-17-2011, 10:00 PM
frustratedguy74 frustratedguy74 is offline
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Default Urinary fullness all the time {frequency}

I have a history of bladder problems dating back to 2003.Off and on every few years i will get these symptoms returning.My symptoms are frequent urge to urinate even when i went 5 minutes ago, {frequency}, sometimes when i urinate i dont feel like my bladder is empty.Almost as if there is still some left in there despite it being empty.I have frequent urinal checks and they come up negative all the time.My other symptom would be slight ache in the groin area the odd time.

Its really frustrating as i feel like i have to urinate so much lately.I went to the doctor and my test came back negative for infections.This problem seems to rear its head every few years and go away and come back.Its frusting to say the least.

I did get my kidneys checked and at one point it said i had a stone in there 1 mm in length, which i didnt pass.I had a cystoscopy at one point also which came back fine.

I really dont know where to go from here, i hate suffering in silence.

I dont know if it is prostate related, one time i saw a doctor and he said it sounded like prostatitis and it would go away in 6 months.But left me with no real anything i could do about it.
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