Hi there,
Like you I was in the hospital too when they were trying to control my diabetes and couldn't...when i had the seizer my sugars were 33, i remember very little of my first few hours in the hospital, i remember coming around and seeing 3 doctors and 4 nurses, trying to put IV's in, one in each arm...I had been so scared...when i left i was was on the cloudy insulin 2 times a day and the novo-rapid....
now when i had hunter my four year old, by the time he was born, i was taking 6 needles a day, and my shots were 140-170 u, novo-rapid 4 times a day, and was up to 70 u of the cloudy one 2 times a day. It was no wonder i gained over 100 pounds in 9 months, i am not going to let that happen this time, i am a little more educated now....
When i had my son, i had a hernia in my groin develop when i was only 7 weeks pregnant, then during the last months one in my belly button, they were so painful i couldn't walk...so i know thats part of the reason for gaining so much weight, but my groin hernia is back with this pregnancy too....but anyways, lol long winded i am...lol They wouldn't fix my hernia's until i could prove i could control my sugars and lose weight, and they didn't think i could...so i worked really really hard and lost over 20 pounds...it was after my hernia surgery they took me off the insulin and put me on metformin...1000mg twice a day, which i am taking now. Until next week then it's hello to insulin again. Yay.....NOT!! I am really hoping to keep my sugars down and the weight lower....
When i had lost all that weight i found keeping a food diary helped...I learned that corn, alot of fruits (which we think is oh so wonderful for us) drove my sugars up, and then making it harder to lose weight...so now i eat rice, once a month, potatoes once a week, no corn, no apples or oranges, oranges or oj if the sugars are low...I don't eat bread or pasta...what do i eat? Not much...lol For supper tonight i had 1/3 cup of white rice, a boneless chicken breast no skin, done in a skillet with garlic butter, peas, cukes, and water. But my sugars are still suffering, they are 12 right now....and because of it i feel sick to my stomach, you ever get sick to your stomach when your sugars are high?
Well it's been wonderful meeting you and we seem to have a lot in common and i look forward to getting to know you better, and sharing what works and what doesn't work for us...hahah
hope your having a great night, cheers tasha