Originally Posted by lovetochat
Hi - I don't know if this counts as a diet really but has anyone tried a detox, where you live on fruit and veg or whatever for a few days? I have read about lots but don't know which to try!
I go on a "vegetarian" diet once in a while for at 5 days, usualy when I'm not feeling at my best, when I've eating a lot of dairy, etc. after eating raw fruits and veg. and drinking fresh squeeze juices I feel realy good. but I can't go to long eating like this 'cause I need/like my protein (chicken, mbeaf and fish), and relying on Soy products for protein is not an option as Soy is toxic.
I don't think eating only fruit and veg. for a few days could be bad, if vegetarians and vegans do it for years, and some for a lifetime, they might be lacking of a few nutrients but I don't think a few days will kill anybody.
I've done the "Masters cleanse" (water, cayane, maple syrup and lemon), I have to say it was a tuff one for me. I've only done it twice in the last 3 years.