#21 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2008, 04:33 AM
Active User: Feeling Good
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Posts: 69

I think if you have a healthy eating style day in and day out, a detox wouldn't necessarily be needed. A detox without changing your eating habits would kind of defeat the whole purpose of it, wouldn't it?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2008, 11:46 PM
Active User: Feeling Good
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Niagra Falls, Canada
Posts: 15

Today we consume a lot of processed foods, a detox would be necessary to remove toxins, gas and will leave you feeling fresh...Even if we wash are face daily we would still treat our self to a deep cleansing at the spa, Yes...Cheers.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 07:37 AM
Experienced User: Healthy
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 293

Originally Posted by HealthandLove View Post
Today we consume a lot of processed foods, a detox would be necessary to remove toxins, gas and will leave you feeling fresh...Even if we wash are face daily we would still treat our self to a deep cleansing at the spa, Yes...Cheers.
I'll have to admit that it sounds good to have a deep cleaning like that. I'm
not sure what the specific toxins are, or if they're actually toxins, but I still
think it would feel good to do this. There are just so many ways, it's hard to
choose the safest for our own individual cases.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 09:49 AM
Experienced User: Healthy
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Posts: 252

I believe the maple syrop works with the water and cayanne and yes there is good benifits from maple syrop just not too much of it in a daily diet especially if you are diabetic.
The cleanse that people usually use for detoxing drugs for a drug test is usually lots of cranberry and water for a couple/three days with no food making it possible to flush everything out from the kidneys and there are commercial products that claim to do similar.
I have a cold medicine that is similar to the master detox but you still eat and it is supposed to clean up the cold virus and help the throat as a cough medicine. It includes honey instead of the maple syrop and supposedly the honey has properties in it that help with the virus. You carefully fill a mason jar half full with boiling water (heat the jar some with hot water first) Add cayanne, an onion (to taste) garlic and honey. Let it stew on your counter with the flat part of the lid just lightly placed on the jar as a dust cover till it cools down. After it has stewed a day put it in the fridge and take a teaspoon of the syrop till you get to the bits in the bottom half. You can add to it again by putting in what ever amounts of onion or what ever you want and keep it brewing or eat the chunky bits and hopefully your cold is done by then. This is supposed to sooth as well as help clean the body of the bug and also detox some while you are at it. The honey in this case sweetens as well as it has antioxadents of it's own. My mom tried this when I told her about it and she was wondering why the honey too but it seemed to help a great deal and the funny thing is when I was a kid I always had hayfever and my grand mother always gave me Buckeys and a teaspoon of honey to go to bed with. The honey kept me from couging till I fell asleep and if I woke up coughing she did it all again, it helped and felt soothing. BTW you only keep this mixture and add to it about a week and start over if others have a cold too and need it. I like the chunky bits after the syrop is gone but then again I love the sweet and sour stuff in chinese food too. I wonder if making this up now and then could help a person avoid colds and flu because all of the ingredients are a cleanser for the blood and immune system.
The best exercize for the heart is to bend down and pick someone else up

Last edited by The right way; 01-20-2009 at 09:53 AM. Reason: speeeeling again
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 06:44 PM
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Posts: 33

Originally Posted by lovetochat View Post
Hi - I don't know if this counts as a diet really but has anyone tried a detox, where you live on fruit and veg or whatever for a few days? I have read about lots but don't know which to try!
I go on a "vegetarian" diet once in a while for at 5 days, usualy when I'm not feeling at my best, when I've eating a lot of dairy, etc. after eating raw fruits and veg. and drinking fresh squeeze juices I feel realy good. but I can't go to long eating like this 'cause I need/like my protein (chicken, mbeaf and fish), and relying on Soy products for protein is not an option as Soy is toxic.

I don't think eating only fruit and veg. for a few days could be bad, if vegetarians and vegans do it for years, and some for a lifetime, they might be lacking of a few nutrients but I don't think a few days will kill anybody.

I've done the "Masters cleanse" (water, cayane, maple syrup and lemon), I have to say it was a tuff one for me. I've only done it twice in the last 3 years.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2011, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by lovetochat View Post
Hi - I don't know if this counts as a diet really but has anyone tried a detox, where you live on fruit and veg or whatever for a few days? I have read about lots but don't know which to try!
hi guys,,,
Yes this counts as a diet.I have tried the lemon dotox diet and It works for me.Detoxification is an alternative medicine.It is an approach that claim rids the body of "toxins".

Last edited by Blake; 01-22-2011 at 05:34 AM.
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