Imagination + emotions are dangerous!!
What I advise you to do first is to begin gaining control over your mind.
To begin reprogramming your UNCONSCIOUS mind to believe any reality, you must REPLACE the negative thought with a positive one and repeat it to yourself until you believe it, this is called affirmation. For instance if you constantly say to yourself:
"I don't want to fight", "I don't want to hurt others anymore", "I don't want to feel like this", etc ...
Because our unconscious minds don't distinguish right from wrong, this is the message its receiving ... "want to fight" "want to hurt others" "want to feel like this" Plus this message will be received and processed even faster in your subconscious mind, because there's a strong emotion behind it.
So instead of telling your mind what you Don't want, tell it what you DO want...
"I want peace,love,harmony" "I want all my relationship full of love" "I want
to spend quality time with my family" ...
Keep this in mind and everything you want will appear.
Once you have mastered this, you can deal with any physical ailments in a practical matter. Emotions when mixed with imagination can be dangerous.
Don't let your imagination run wild, you must contain it !!
I would also like to share info on B12 deficiency and its connection with mental disorders.
My blog link is: [url][/url]
Best of luck my friend,