Hard to take a deep breath - Please! I need my life back!
Hopefully someone can help. About a year and a half ago I lifted a heavy box over my head and put it down towards the front on the floor. My back felt very stiff after this. Ever since then I have had trouble catching my breath. I find it hard to take a deep breath. I have tried doctors, physio, massage & chriopractor with no help or real answer. I don't know what is wrong with me. It seems aggrivated by the use of my right arm, which is the side where I have the trouble. I do not have any weakness in my arm. Once in a while I will get a throbbing spot in my back next to my spine, around the bra-strap area. Recently when my back started acting up again my right thumb started twitching randomly off and on for a few days. Pain pills hardly work, sinutab for some reason can sometimes take some of the swelling out, and I also get some minor relief from asorbine jr (Maybe 20 Min of relief). I can't work, I can't go out without taking medicine and I can't exercise anymore. Doctors refuse to send me to a specialist, saying it is in my head. I have had xrays, and an ultrasound but they can't see anything. For some reason the pain/breathing problems are also connected to an injury I got from exercising at the bottom of my tailbone, a muscle on the right gets sore from sitting too long or in a bad position, and then the breathing problems start.
Hope someone has an answer.
Thanks so much.