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Old 01-26-2011, 01:20 AM
apappyspimige apappyspimige is offline
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Default Can really this apparatus replace the botox care?

Hi ladies, I have a very crucial question, I'm sure for nearly all of us. After a long time, I took the decision to quit the botox treatment. I think everybody knows why. At this moment, I'm aware of the truth, that lacking these procedures, my visage won't stay stretched for a long time, and I ought to find something else in its place - the more secure the better. I've been told that there is this small device, which is used only with its unique creams, and the firm says that this treatment not only preserves the skin lifted, but furthermore slows the aging process. I am prepared to purchase it by now, but I have to have your agreement before that, also if you are aware where I can purchase it, so please let me know what you know about it and if you've ever tried it already. Perhaps you know someone of your family unit and acquaintances, who has used it? Your comments is certainly valuable for me and I show gratitude anybody who will respond me back.
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