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Old 02-05-2008, 07:19 PM
Calypso Calypso is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 104
Default Glad I Had a Hysterectomy

I had a hysterectomy a year ago due to endometriosis. I know all the books say that hysterectomies are overused, that doctors are too eager to operate, etc., but I have to say I'm really glad I had the surgery.

Before my hysterectomy, I spent at least a week every month dealing with cramps so severe I often couldn't go to work. The only thing they responded to was muscle relaxants and narcotic pain medications, so I basically spent one-fourth of the month doped to the gills. Now I feel like I have my life back.

I know hysterectomy isn't the right choice for every woman, but it worked out great for me.

Does anyone else have a hysterectomy story (positive or negative) to share?
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