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Old 05-31-2008, 02:40 PM
Serenity Serenity is offline
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Originally Posted by Lacey Anne View Post
I struggled a bit after #3. I had thirteen month old twins and newborn and it was HARD. I got through it without ever having to use medication, but it was a really long first few months with lost of exhaustion, tears and overwhelming fear.
Lacey Anne, you deserve a pat on the back for managing to come out the other end all by yourself without any meds! I can't imagine how hard twins alone must be, never mind adding a newborn to the mix. There's only sixteen months between my sister and I and I always thought that would be a real challenge but you win.

Seriously, I tip my hat to you. How did you ever get any time to recharge your batteries? Did you have much support? I'm interested.
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