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Old 01-16-2008, 05:06 PM
mollyL mollyL is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 375
Default cheese soup

I never went on alot of dates because I met and married my husband at a young age,and before I met him our practice at school was basically to all go someplace together. There was, I think, only one official date I ever went on, and it didn't turn out so well.
This guy asked me over to his flat for dinner, and then we were going to go to a movie . He clattered around in his kitchen for awhile and came out with a big pot of his "specialty", cheese soup.
It was totally noxious! I managed to eat a few spoonfuls of lumpy, orangey concoction and said I wasn't very hungry, but my, wasn't his soup, er, nice.
Going to a movie failed to happen. He wanted to stay home and get romantic. I couldn't stand to kiss him because of the awful cheese soup he'd eaten two bowlesfull was on his breath, and I didn't want to go any farther than that. He took issue with that, and to avoid a nasty scene I left.
I had to call my mum to come pick me up, which she did, but it was going to take awhile because he lived about a half an hour from where I lived. So the magic night of Cheese Soup ended with me shivering on a bus bench looking up at a neon cross that said "Jesus Saves".
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