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katharina 03-04-2008 06:29 PM

Do You Have Food Allergies?
Do you have food allergies? The only one I know about for me is MSG but sometimes I wonder about wheat. That would not be a very nice allergy to have... so many things contain wheat!

debrajean 03-20-2008 12:24 AM

As I get older I'm finding that I can't handle milk as well as I used to. I get bloated and uncomfortable.

Jewel 03-20-2008 06:41 AM

When I was a kid, every time I would eat kiwi my tongue would swell up. Fortunately that does not happen to me anymore, because I absolutely love to eat kiwi.

tater03 03-20-2008 01:26 PM

I am lucky in that I don't have any. I have a friend that is also allergic to MSG and he gets terrible migraines when he eats anything with MSG in it.

mollyL 03-21-2008 02:14 AM

I'm also one of those lucky folks that has no food allergies, at least as far as I know so far :)

Calypso 03-22-2008 12:28 PM

One of my best friends is allergic to both wheat and dairy products. They do not agree with her system at all. She's also a vegetarian. It's challenging when we want to go out to eat together to find a place that serves food she can actually eat.

Taggart 03-22-2008 12:36 PM

[QUOTE=debrajean;948]As I get older I'm finding that I can't handle milk as well as I used to. I get bloated and uncomfortable.[/QUOTE]

Hey debrajean, do you think that you've become lactose intolerant?

My wife developed an intolerance to lactose, and she handles it by taking pills when she eats most cheese, french fries or hot dogs. I was surprised that those foods contain lactose.

Green-Moo 03-22-2008 07:20 PM

I have difficulties with fresh pineapple as the acid in the juice inflames my skin where it touches me. However, if I cut it up & leave it for a while it becomes less irritating.

katharina 03-24-2008 12:18 PM

[QUOTE=Taggart;985]My wife developed an intolerance to lactose, and she handles it by taking pills when she eats most cheese, french fries or hot dogs. I was surprised that those foods contain lactose.[/QUOTE]

Lactose is hidden in a lot of foods where we wouldn't expect it, unfortunately.
A lot of foods have hidden sugars, too, and that can be extremely bad for
a diabetic person, as one example. Learning to read labels is vital, I think.

Badevine 05-08-2008 03:17 PM

I'm not sure, but I may be allergic to chocolate. I can handle it fine in small amounts, but if I eat enough I have a complete mood change. If I was in a good mood before the chocolate, I really wont be after. I'm not sure if that counts as an allergy, or if its normal.

Kitten 05-09-2008 03:27 AM

There are a few chemical additives that I can't yellow food dye of some sort that breaks my mouth out. I can't handle mushrooms in large amounts either.

katharina 05-12-2008 04:39 PM

[QUOTE=Badevine;1573]I'm not sure, but I may be allergic to chocolate. I can handle it fine in small amounts, but if I eat enough I have a complete mood change. If I was in a good mood before the chocolate, I really wont be after. I'm not sure if that counts as an allergy, or if its normal.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, that would be a horrible allergy for me to have the way I like chocolate! Is there a way you can find out for sure?

katharina 05-12-2008 04:40 PM

[QUOTE=Kitten;1580]There are a few chemical additives that I can't yellow food dye of some sort that breaks my mouth out. I can't handle mushrooms in large amounts either.[/QUOTE]

I don't like it, but it's seriously looking more and more lately as if my daughter
may have an allergy to peanuts. That in itself isn't so bad except that *so*
many foods have those peanut oils.

SageMother 05-13-2008 03:57 PM

Well, I have been allergic to chocolate for most of my life, but I think I have just developed a nut allergy. I have developed a few welts and itching after eating peanut butter.

I guess I will need to see if my doctor can test me for allergies so I can figure out what NOT to eat anymore!


Green-Moo 05-15-2008 04:14 AM

True allergies can get worse over time so what appears as a welt on one occassion can be significantly more serious the next. If you genuinely feel you may be developing an allergy to nuts I would investigate as soon as possible as peanuts allergies are a potential killer as I'm sure you know.

katharina 05-22-2008 08:40 AM

[QUOTE=Mickie31;1898]I am allergic to bread and most things that contain gluten. I am also allergic to a certain type of antibiotics and another medicine I cannnot remember the name of. I used to be allergic to raspberries as a kid they made me come out with a red rash all over my body.[/QUOTE]

I have heard so much about gluten/ celiac things lately. They must be
becoming more prevalent because I don't think I just overlooked it or didn't
pay attention in the past.

sherbear 05-24-2008 06:56 PM

I an not allergic but I have Celiac Disease. As well as eggs bother me

Green-Moo 05-27-2008 05:50 PM

[QUOTE=katharina;1920]I have heard so much about gluten/ celiac things lately. They must be
becoming more prevalent because I don't think I just overlooked it or didn't
pay attention in the past.[/QUOTE]

Could it just be the case that as the health issues become better known, more people are being diagnosed whereas previously they would have suffered from something nonspecific?

sherbear 05-28-2008 01:08 PM

MICKIE31 What happens to you if you eat gluten??? Ever been tested for Celiac disease. Many people think they are allergic to gluten when in fact they have Celiac

sherbear 06-01-2008 08:34 PM

I did not have symptoms as a baby either. I developed it at 36 yrs of age. You really should be tested because the doctors always just say its IBS or Crohns. It is a painless biopsy.

Are you being seen by a Gastro doctor or just a family??? Gastro doctors should have sent you for a biopsy. BUT you need to be eating gluten while being tested that way they can see if the vili are flattened or not. If they are flattened and you are consuming gluten then you have celiac. You can NOT rely on blood work either.

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